Membership Dues

Membership dues became necessary to pay for the annual costs of website and database maintenance.

Payment can be made by credit card, debit card, or PayPal.

Existing Members

  • Dues are US $10 per year.
  • To remain a member in good standing and to retain use of paid member-only features, annual dues should be paid by July 1. You can pay for 1, 2, or 5 years at a time.
  • Renewal reminders will be emailed on June 1 and July 1 to those members whose term is expiring and payment has not yet been made. See below for what happens if you haven’t paid before August 1 of your expiry year.
  • Officers and Ambassadors are exempt from paying dues, although they can pay them voluntarily.

New Members

For new members, payment is due upon approval of your application (i.e. 5 races approved). Your approval email will contain a payment link. Your Membership status will stay as “Newly Approved”, with limited site access, until your initial dues are paid.

Depending on what time of year you join, the renewal schedule will be as follows:

New Member Join DateDuesValid Until
Apr 1 to Dec 31US $10July 1 of the next year*
Jan 1 to Mar 31US $10July 1 of the same year*

* plus 1 or 4 years if paying for 2 years or 5 years, respectively

What happens if I don’t pay my dues or I’m late renewing?

If renewal fees are not paid by August 1, your status will be changed to ‘inactive’ and you will no longer have access to member-only functions of the website. This includes submitting new race results, updating your profile, adding new events to the race calendar, and accessing Annual Meeting minutes. Inactive status applies until dues are paid or you formally quit the club.